Predictions Report

Predictions 2014: Global eCommerce Mandates Multiple Touchpoints And Business Models

Eight Trends Set To Impact The Industry

December 12th, 2013
Zia Daniell Wigder, null
Zia Daniell Wigder
With contributor:
Rebecca Katz


The past year saw a surge in eCommerce revenues around the globe, and 2014 will be no different. eCommerce brands in every country will continue to spread their global wings, expanding their international offerings through a growing number of different consumer touchpoints and business models. For a number of brands, global online expansion will become easier as solution providers streamline and address key pain points around market entry. However, profitability will remain elusive for many, especially those brands with short-term aspirations. eBusiness organizations that aim for an international footprint must work to ensure they understand both the growing opportunities and the threats they will face outside of their home markets in 2014.

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