Predictions Report

Predictions 2014: Identity And Access Management

Employee And Customer IAM Head For The Cloud

January 7th, 2014
Eve Maler, null
Eve Maler
With contributors:
Stephanie Balaouras , Jennie Duong


Forrester predicts that in 2014, mobile and cloud adoption will continue to drive identity and access management (IAM) toward application programming interface (API) management. As software-as-a-service (SaaS) user stores move to the cloud, cloud IAM providers will follow and will offer cloud-based user directories. Vendors will productize consumer (B2C) and institutional customer (B2B) IAM for both on-premises and cloud IAM offerings and will support advanced identity management use cases such as provisioning and attestation. We will also see IAM play an important role in making cloud workloads secure. In this report, Forrester's IAM analysts weigh in on what they predict will happen in the world of IAM in 2014.

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