Predictions Report

Predictions 2015: Customer Experience And Digital Business Rise In EA's Agenda

November 14th, 2014
Henry Peyret, null
Henry Peyret
Alex Cullen, null
Alex Cullen
With contributors:


Over the past few years, enterprise architecture (EA) programs have been strengthening their engagement with tech management and business leaders — still within an EA box. However, some leaders are moving beyond this. As businesses transform into digital businesses, these EA leaders are exploring new roles and engagement models. Customer experience (CX) is one business focus that is propelling this exploration. We see three significant shifts beginning to appear in 2015 that will set the stage for a more radical re-interpretation of EA's value in the next few years. These shifts are global and across all types of industries. This report outlines these shifts so that all EA leaders can position their EA practice for digital transformation.

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