Predictions Report

Predictions 2015: Winning Strategies Emerge In Digital Implementation Services

In An Evolving Market, 2015 Will Expose Companies That Cannot Execute

November 20th, 2014
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Martin Gill , John McCarthy , Anjali Yakkundi , Andrew Bartels , Arelai Ephraim


"Digital" is the topic du jour for technology and technology services. Amidst all the buzz and hype, 2014 was a year in which technology services providers rushed to rebrand existing services and to acquire and invest to make a name for themselves as "digital" leaders. But the market for digital implementation services, those provided by large systems integrators (SIs), is still early, small-scale in terms of revenue, loosely defined, and largely undifferentiated, which creates challenges for application development and delivery (AD&D) teams looking for the right partners to help them with their own BT agenda. Only a few companies will be able to execute on full-scale digital transformation, which includes the ability to collect and analyze data, integrate new cloud-enabled technologies into existing application environments, and contribute to a better customer experience. As the market evolves, what should application development and delivery professionals expect in the year ahead?

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