Trends Report

Privileged User Management Market Overview

Centrally Managing System Administrator And Application Credentials

June 30th, 2008
With contributors:
Jonathan Penn , Allison Viglianti


Managing privileged users' access to sensitive systems needs to be centralized, policy-driven, and automated: Manual paper- or spreadsheet-based solutions are insecure, expensive, don't scale, and can't be sufficiently audited. Privileged user and password management (PUPM) encompasses password vault products, fine-grained administrative policy management, and provisioning add-on solutions, all providing efficient and reliable controls for administrator access. Cyber-Ark Software, e-DMZ Security, and Lieberman Software stand out in terms of customer base and adoption in the arena of password safe products. Some identity and access management (IAM) vendors, such as IBM and CA, and smaller provisioning vendors, such as Fischer International and Hitachi ID Systems, don't distribute passwords but are more tightly integrated with identity management solutions.

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