Best Practice Report

Programs, Not Projects, Deliver Business Value

April 30th, 2009
Craig Symons, null
Craig Symons
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , Tim DeGennaro


CIOs have been searching for ways to measure, improve, and communicate the business value of IT for years without a lot of success. Many have implemented PMOs, hired certified project managers, and begun CMMI or Six Sigma initiatives, all designed to improve their project management and project execution capabilities. But bringing IT projects in on time and on budget and delivering all of the specified functionality hasn't necessarily led to business value and improved business outcomes. The reason is that it isn't simply a matter of implementing technology, but using the technology as a means to enable business and/or organizational change. The technology is providing a capability, but if that capability is not used or not used effectively, it will not produce anything of value. Business value is only obtained when IT projects are done within the context of IT-enabled business change programs.

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