Trends Report

Publishers Must Invest In First-Party Data Protection

Safeguard Your Single Most Important Asset

February 3rd, 2014
Susan Bidel, null
Susan Bidel
With contributors:
Luca S. Paderni , Fatemeh Khatibloo , Collin Colburn


First-party data is a publisher's single most important asset. It represents the trust that a publisher builds with a loyal audience. It embodies the very essence of a publisher's brand, and it is critical that it be protected from misuse and even theft. In today's complex digital ecosystem, in which a host of third parties all contribute to the presentation of content and advertising on a page, control of a publisher's first-party data may be imperiled. Read this report to understand the various dangers that publisher's first-party data may be subject to and discover best practices on how to protect and preserve that data.

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