Trends Report

Reinvent Your Call Center Culture To Create Amazing Customer Experiences

Focus On Hiring, Training, Incentives, and Metrics

February 23rd, 2011
Kerry Bodine, null
Kerry Bodine
With contributors:
Kate Leggett , Harley Manning , Art Schoeller , Belle Bocal , Allison Stone


Call centers offer companies daily opportunities to create meaningful connections with customers. When this happens, businesses increase customer loyalty and generate incremental revenue. But customer experience professionals largely ignore call centers in favor of sexier digital touchpoints. And consumers have noticed — they're less satisfied with call centers than they are with websites and in-person interactions. Now companies face a major decision: continue to disappoint customers and agents by conducting business as usual or embark on a journey to drastically improve the customer experience. Customer experience professionals can help their firms down a better path by working with call center leaders. Together they must start by changing their hiring practices and end by overhauling their call center culture.

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