Trends Report

Retailers: Differentiate With Customer Intelligence

Why Retailers Must Invest In Maturing Their CI Capabilities

March 10th, 2011
Fatemeh Khatibloo, null
Fatemeh Khatibloo
With contributors:
Shar VanBoskirk , Allison Smith


Multichannel retailers, who often have a direct-marketing provenance, have marts and warehouses full of customer data. But very few of them are turning that data into Customer Intelligence (CI) the way some verticals — financial services and travel, for example — have done. The reason is twofold. First, channel silos are a legacy mindset for these organizations, and second, the resource requirements to develop a CI practice can be restrictive. However, as brand and message relevance become an ever-increasing challenge, retail firms need to bolster their CI capabilities to stay competitive, engender loyalty, and convert new customers.

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