Trends Report

SAP Library Demystifies Sustainability

Frameworks And Case Studies Illustrate Best Practices

April 21st, 2010
Alexander Peters, Ph.D., null
Alexander Peters, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Holger Kisker, Ph.D. , Paul D. Hamerman , Connie Moore


SAP's Sustainability Library is an excellent source of insights and best practices for business process executives seeking to understand and get a grip on sustainability. The library, which supports SAP's go-to-market strategy, not only provides insights into sustainability — it also offers a solid tutorial on how to approach business transformation that increases the profitability and long-term health of the enterprise. Senior business process executives should approach the library's rich collection of examples and whitepapers along three tracks: 1) view SAP's sustainability report as an example of how to increase the enterprise's profile with investors and customers; 2) consider using SAP's sustainability map as a blueprint for making organizations more sustainable; and 3) review SAP's collection of case studies showing what other firms do and providing guidance on how to develop and deploy sustainability solutions. At the same time, keep in mind that sustainability is an emerging technology market, with a broad spectrum of vendors and service providers contributing innovative and purpose-built sustainability products.

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