Trends Report

Say Goodbye To UC; It's Time For Customer-Activated Communication And Collaboration

CACC Will Drive Deeper And More Effective Customer Ecosystem Interactions

June 22nd, 2015
Art Schoeller, null
Art Schoeller
With contributors:


Application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals responsible for communications and collaboration applications constantly struggle with driving consistent adoption and business value. While many organizations have deployed tools like Microsoft Lync for instant messaging, Cisco's WebEx for Web collaboration, and Jive for social networking, they struggle with how these tools directly impact a business technology (BT) agenda. Winning, serving, and retaining customers is the rallying cry defining customer-activated communication and collaboration (CACC). Unified communications is mature and the time is ripe for a new wave of innovative technology. This report details how CACC will become the connective tissue that holds together the customer experience ecosystem.

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