Best Practice Report

Selecting A Telecom Expense And Inventory Management Supplier

Use Forrester's Tiered Evaluation Criteria To Narrow The Supplier Field

September 14th, 2007
Lisa Pierce
With contributors:
Christine Ferrusi Ross , Francesca Bartolomey


Telecom expense and inventory management (TEIM) suppliers offer products and services designed to save companies money and improve their ongoing operational efficiency. Literally hundreds of suppliers say they are in this industry. In the course of examining the capabilities of 17 of the most prominent current suppliers, we developed an array of first- and second-order evaluation criteria, which include supplier mode of operation, core TEIM functionality, stability, competency, ancillary capabilities, and adjunct functionality. Each provider is constantly refining its portfolio and expanding its offer, making due diligence essential, particularly because industry volatility will continue to be rampant over the next three to five years.

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