Trends Report

Snapshot: Benchmark Business Process Skills With ABPMP's BPM Professional Certification Program

March 11th, 2011
Clay Richardson, null
Clay Richardson
With contributor:
Connie Moore


After getting started with business process management (BPM), many business process pros quickly find that they need to beef up their process skills to effectively deliver continuous improvement and process transformation to the enterprise. Next they often struggle with whether and how to standardize their BPM skills around a particular certification program and skills development curriculum. In 2006, I faced the same dilemma as a BPM practitioner, which drove me to matriculate through Boston University's Business Process Management Professional Certificate program. More recently, during the fall of 2010, an analyst colleague and I completed the newly launched Association of Business Process Management Professionals (ABPMP) Business Process Management Professional Certification program. While the program isn't perfect, based on this experience, we recommend that business process pros seriously consider it for benchmarking process skills gaps and defining realistic road maps for BPM skills development.

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