Trends Report

Spotlight On Security Service Providers For The US Government

Firms Must Improve The Maturity Of Their Services To Remain Relevant

February 7th, 2011
Khalid Kark, null
Khalid Kark
With contributors:
Stephanie Balaouras , Christopher McClean , Lindsey Kempton , Nick Hayes


While it hasn't always been seen in the past as the earliest adopter of information security technologies or the largest market for information security services, the US federal government is currently experiencing a significant surge in both categories. For security service providers, this means they will have to move quickly to strengthen the breadth and depth of their offerings in order to stay relevant in this growing space. Based on substantial client engagements, industry research, vendor briefings, and customer reference interviews, Forrester presents an overview of the security services market, which is currently dominated by system integrators, telecom providers, and an increasing number of security consulting firms.

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