Best Practice Report

Standardize IT Processes With A Process Factory

July 15th, 2010
Marc Cecere, null
Marc Cecere
With contributor:


Many shops, particularly global ones, want to increase the percentage of processes that are globally consistent. To meet this need, Wipro Consulting Services provides an interesting service package called Process Factory. This extension and packaging of existing Wipro outsourcing and process design capabilities treats process design as an assembly line that starts with requirements definition, leads to deployment and maintenance, and is complemented by training, documentation, SLAs, dashboards, and metrics. Though not unique, this way of looking at process design can speed process development, reduce the involvement of politics, and position the organization to outsource these processes should that be desired. However, these engagements have liabilities. They retain all the risks of working with a services firm that uses offshore resources, may be biased toward outsourcing, and require management consulting expertise as well as technical knowledge.

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