Trends Report

Start To Play With Social Gamers

Social Gaming Provides A Ripe Marketing Opportunity

May 24th, 2011
Elizabeth Shaw, null
Elizabeth Shaw
With contributors:
Jennifer Wise , Emily Riley


Eighty-four percent of US interactive marketers have no plans to use games in their 2011 marketing strategies, making social gaming a large, untapped opportunity for marketers. Marketers should start to take note from the marketers who are investing and reaping rewards as social games offer a diverse audience whose size rivals that of network TV audiences. By balancing brand interaction with rewards like game currency, social gaming provides myriad value-exchange marketing options to marketers that place their brands in front of engaged consumers. Forrester recommends that B2C brands targeting Gen Xers and Yers find games contextually relevant to your audience, outline your objectives, identify key metrics, and start to play!

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