Trends Report

Status, Challenges, And Near-Term Tactics For Cloud Services In Enterprise Outsourcing Deals

November 18th, 2009
Paul Roehrig, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Christine Ferrusi Ross , Philipp Karcher


The blab-o-sphere is full of warnings, proclamations, and sales pitches about cloud services and this is only making it tougher for IT decision-makers to sort the reality from the hype in the face of pressing technology challenges. Decision-makers are wrestling to balance economic pressures, new technologies like cloud services, and increasing demands from business owners and users — so Forrester interviewed nine major sourcing deal advisory firms to get their perspectives on what aspects, if any, of cloud computing service delivery are included in enterprise outsourcing deals, and what savvy decision-makers can do now to help plan for future cloud service value.

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