Trends Report

Take Advantage: Latin American Consumers Are Willing Co-Creators

May 31st, 2011
Roxana Strohmenger, null
Roxana Strohmenger
With contributors:
Reineke Reitsma , Doug Williams , Samantha Jaddou


Latin Americans love social media, and it's important for organizations to realize that their use of it is not exclusive to entertaining themselves or connecting with family and friends. It also extends to interacting with companies, with activities such as reading their blogs, following them on Twitter, or watching a video they produced. Latin American Technographics® data reveals that companies can take advantage of this willingness to engage and use social media tools to interact directly with consumers to influence product creation, design, or strategy. Creating these social co-creation engagements requires identifying the right audience and the social channels to engage them in, as well as an understanding of their time and incentive requirements. Market insights professionals should work alongside consumer product strategy professionals to uncover the requirements needed to build successful and rewarding social co-creation engagements.

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