Trends Report

Take Lead-To-Revenue Management Beyond The Campaign

Leverage Contextual Multichannel Marketing To Keep Pace With The Evolved B2B Buyer

July 18th, 2014
Lori Wizdo, null
Lori Wizdo
With contributors:
Mary Pilecki , Olivia French


If your lead-to-revenue process is still driven by campaigns, you're behind the vanguard. Campaigns have lost power as a tactic to attract new buyers. And, campaigns have never been the most effective strategy to nurture B2B buyers through long, complex, multistakeholder buying journeys. To drive more results from your lead-to-revenue investments, you must advance beyond campaigns and adopt a contextual multichannel engagement model. Contextual marketing creates highly engaging environments for customer interaction and yields proprietary data that cannot be replicated by traditional marketing methods or third-party data sources. What it means: higher levels of engagement, shorter end-to-end conversion cycles, increased revenue, and better customer experiences.

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