Trends Report

Taking Social Support To The Next Level

How A Deeper Relationship With Marketing Can Elevate Social Support

February 17th, 2012
Diane Clarkson, null
Diane Clarkson
With contributors:
Lily Varon , Zia Daniell Wigder


Many eBusinesses experimented with social support over the past two years. Today, forward-thinking eBusiness leaders recognize that social support represents a fundamental shift in how leading organizations approach support, brand, and engagement. These eBusiness leaders are operationalizing social support and embedding it within a social enterprise strategy that will seamlessly blend marketing, customer service, and other functions. Successful social support organizations have leveraged the synergy between social support and marketing by taking steps to: 1) ensure customer support plays a leading role is social strategy; 2) prioritize direct social support based on brand and customer influence; and 3) ensure social support measurement includes both traditional service metrics alongside brand favorability.

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