Tech Tide Report

TechRadar™: Continuous Software Delivery, Q2 2015

May 1st, 2015
Kurt Bittner, null
Kurt Bittner
With contributors:
Christopher Mines , Taylor Turrisi


Software's pervasive ability to enrich customer experiences, to enable new business models, and to create competitive advantage has caused rapid evolution of the tools and processes used to create and deliver software. The modern software delivery process resembles an automated assembly line, often called a pipeline, in which code is delivered, built, tested, and deployed with high degrees of automation at every step. Most of these technologies have evolved independently, forcing software delivery teams to cobble them together into an integrated pipeline. Each technology contributes value differently, and they do so with varying effectiveness, making evaluation and integration confusing and difficult. To make informed and educated purchase decisions, application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals must thoroughly understand the technologies, their operational use cases, the required investment, and the potential for long-term market adoption. This Techradar report defines the use cases, business value, and outlook for the 18 technologies that comprise the continuous software delivery pipeline.

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