Tech Tide Report

TechRadar™: Enterprise Mobile Security, Q4 2014

November 3rd, 2014
Tyler Shields, null
Tyler Shields


There are an ever-expanding number of approaches to enterprise mobile security. The current and emerging plethora of technologies span the stack from the network layer to the application and data layer, leaving security and risk (S&R) professionals with little idea which technology will best meet their security needs while still supporting an empowered workforce. Each technology has a different employee experience and level of effectiveness, making the evaluation and purchasing process difficult. S&R influencers and pros must thoroughly understand the technologies, their operational use cases, the required investment, and the potential for long-term market adoption in order to make an informed and educated purchase decision. This updated TechRadar report, the road map document of the Mobile Security playbook, defines the use cases, business value, and outlook for the 15 technologies that comprise the core enterprise mobile security technologies. Additionally, this update includes a new, up-and-coming technology in the mobile security space: data wrapping.

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