Trends Report

The Building Blocks For Social Success In eBusiness

September 23rd, 2010
With contributor:
Beth Hoffman


As consumers become more comfortable integrating social tools into their everyday lives, eBusiness leaders seek the right social strategy to achieve their goals. While the benefits of social media participation to brand building and engagement are obvious, eBusiness leaders have rightfully been skeptical of how social tools and applications can help them achieve their sales and service goals. On the other hand, overwhelming consumer and business adoption compels eBusiness leaders to ask not if, but when and how to engage in these activities. Many companies are piloting or making headway with social eBusiness efforts, from a Facebook fan page to implementing customer reviews on their sites. Execution ranges from one-off efforts to coordinated, cross-company councils. To be successful, all eBusiness executives must approach social media with a thoughtful strategy that includes sales measurements.

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