Forecast Tool

The Dynamic Decagon: The ASEAN IT Services Market And Forecast 2007-2011

March 24th, 2009
Sanchit Gogia, null
Sanchit Gogia


This report provides an IT services market analysis and forecast for 2007-2011 for the ASEAN region, which includes the following countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The ASEAN market grew considerably over the past 10 years and is becoming an increasingly important IT services market for vendor strategists. In addition, this report provides strategists with a taxonomy that defines the IT services market and splits it into a number of segments and sub-categories. While the biggest growth is happening in the infrastructure services, this report predicts application and IT consulting services growth as well and lists the major global and local players in the presented countries and IT services markets. Within these segments, IT trends and initiatives are highlighted, along with local vendors based on the analysis of the significant trends in ASEAN's IT services market.

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