Best Practice Report

The Essential Steps Of PPM Tool Adoption

Behavioral Change Must Accompany The Right Tool

September 29th, 2008
Alex Cullen, null
Alex Cullen
With contributor:
Tim DeGennaro


Improving project management is high on the list of IT executives. In fact, in a 2007 survey of 503 IT decision-makers, it was rated as their most important driver. To capitalize on this goal and boost visibility, IT organizations often choose to invest in project portfolio management (PPM) tools. However, unless users enter data into the tool accurately, on time, and with reasonable frequency, the effort is wasted, both for management and users. A fully successful PPM implementation requires adoption of not only the software itself, but changes in everyday behavior. Forrester conducted 10 interviews with technology consultants and end user organizations to find out how they ensure that these changes take place.

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