Trends Report

The Evolution Of India-Centric Management Consulting

November 23rd, 2011
Stephanie Moore, null
Stephanie Moore
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Kelsey Stone


When Forrester published its first Indian vendor consulting Wave™ in 2005, Indian vendors were just starting their journey into management consulting. At the time, none of these vendors could compete with the traditional management consultants (e.g., Accenture and Deloitte) from a scale, brand, or experience perspective. Given the rapid growth that these vendors achieved in the pure IT services space, however, it seemed only a matter of time before they would challenge vendors such as Accenture in the IT management consulting arena. Six years have gone by and these ambitious Indian IT service providers are still trailing the traditional management consultants. Is this lackluster growth fueled by a lack of desire? Although several of the vendors profiled in 2005 know where they'd like their consulting organizations to go, none has achieved its desired end state yet. This report will help vendor management executives understand the market for India-centric provider consulting and lay the foundations for how and when to work with these providers.

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