Maturity Assessment

The Forrester Enterprise Architecture Maturity Assessment: Q2 2015

July 1st, 2015
Alex Cullen, null
Alex Cullen
With contributors:
Gordon Barnett , Elizabeth Cullen , Henry Peyret , Gene Leganza , Paul Bergamo , Diane Lynch


Forrester's enterprise architecture (EA) maturity assessment model tool will help EA leaders clarify their direction and value and help them assess their strengths and weaknesses for delivering this value. This self-assessment tool approaches EA maturity from a different angle than other maturity models; it is not structured around a belief in a single end state for all EA teams but rather around a set of distinct value objectives that change depending on the EA group's mission. This mission should be reflected in how EA balances its capabilities in the EA archetypes (i.e., the business-project, business-strategy, technology-project, or technology-strategy archetype). Maturity within these four archetypes is synonymous with alignment with, and the ability to execute upon, your stakeholder needs. The maturity model offers a comprehensive assessment of EA's capabilities in four key areas critical to EA's development: processes, relationships, artifacts and content, and organization. The results are presented in different views: 1) overall; 2) by EA archetype; 3) by relationships, processes, content, and organization within each archetype; and 4) by EA capability area.

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