Decision Tool

The Forrester Salesperson Development Tool — Master

Understanding The Characteristics Of Your Sales Messengers

September 3rd, 2015
Mary Shea, PhD, null
Mary Shea, PhD
With contributors:
Peter O'Neill , Matthew Camuso , Jacob Milender


Successfully engaging with today's business buyers — from procurement professionals to executive buyers and their teams — requires different combinations of seller competencies. The Forrester Salesperson Development Tool provides a framework to assess and develop salespeople, using a highly researched set of competency criteria that helps sales managers and their salespeople understand how they currently engage with buyers and identify specific areas of opportunity to develop for greater success. The tool helps salespeople and sales managers develop sales competencies to meet their buyers' needs. Upon completion of the manager's assessment and salesperson self-assessment, responses are entered into this master tool to provide the basis for development discussions between the manager and salesperson. Using a common set of criteria based on the needs of four buyer archetypes, managers can identify gaps between a salesperson's current approach and the needs of the type of buyer the rep is expected to work with. Armed with these insights, managers can plan activities to help sellers have more success in working with their buyers. This is an update of a previously published workbook; Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.

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