Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Elastic Caching Platforms, Q2 2010

GigaSpaces, IBM, Oracle, and Terracotta Lead; Alachisoft, GemStone, And ScaleOut Software Are Strong Performers

May 14th, 2010
John Rymer, null
John Rymer
With contributors:
Mike Gilpin , David D'Silva


Forrester evaluated eight elastic caching platform vendors using 124 criteria and found GigaSpaces, IBM, Oracle, and Terracotta to be Leaders because of their strong elastic caching features and strategies. GemStone's product features were on par with the Leaders, but a narrowly focused strategy kept the company out of the Leaders' circle. Our research shows that Strong Performer Alachisoft provides the best product for pure .NET architectures. ScaleOut Software is also a strong choice for .NET shops and has strong product features. Red Hat provides an emerging alternative for Java developers. Our analysis strongly suggests that customers have very good choices besides GigaSpaces and Oracle, the companies widely credited with creating this category.

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