Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Marketing Platforms, Q1 2008

Unica And Aprimo Are Leaders; Oracle (Siebel) Leads A Pack Of Strong Performers

January 17th, 2008
Suresh Vittal, null
Suresh Vittal
With contributors:
William Band , Jennifer Joseph , Sarah Glass


Eighty-three percent of marketers, a significant majority, tell us that they need a comprehensive marketing suite to improve their effectiveness. Enterprise marketing platform vendors that aspire to deliver this solution suite are currently unable to completely fill this need. To assess the state of the market, Forrester evaluated leading enterprise marketing platform vendors across 160 criteria and three scenarios. Each scenario focuses on a marketing role: marketing leadership, relationship marketing, and marketing operations. Our lab-based evaluation revealed that although the overall market is maturing, no vendor gets top marks across the board. Our analysis identifies Unica as a Leader in marketing leadership and relationship marketing scenarios, and Aprimo as a Leader in the marketing operations scenario. Oracle (Siebel) delivers the broadest overall solution, and SAS offers a strong, analytically driven solution for relationship marketing. New to our ranking this year, Alterian and SAP show promise, having emerged as Strong Performers in all our scenarios.

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