Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Global Delivery Infrastructure Management For Europe, Q4 2006

HCL, TCS, And Wipro Lead The Group Of Indian Service Providers

December 6th, 2006
With contributors:
Thomas Mendel, Ph.D. , Onica King


Forrester evaluated the leading Indian service providers across 25 criteria with regards to their offshore infrastructure management services and found that HCL, TCS and Wipro have established early leadership in what constitutes an emerging market across Europe. HCL differentiates based on its deep infrastructure management expertise and innovative services strategy, while TCS maintains the broadest infrastructure management portfolio, with significant resources dedicated to Europe. Wipro has the strongest European market presence today and has already started to push beyond pure remote outsourcing. Meanwhile, Infosys is building up some strong growth momentum thanks to its sophisticated business-centric delivery approach. Genpact is a strong performer with high-quality delivery processes and a sizable European presence. Satyam benefits from its holistic services approach across infrastructure, applications, and business processes, but the company still lacks a European presence. Finally, Patni positions itself for broader infrastructure and application deals, but needs to grow its European market footprint.

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