Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: IT Sourcing Deal Transformation Management, Q2 2006

CSC, EDS, and IBM Lead In Our Services Evaluation

May 15th, 2006
Paul Roehrig, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Christine Ferrusi Ross , Olivia Ester


Forrester evaluated leading outsourcing vendors on their ability to implement IT sourcing deal transformation management across 55 criteria and found that EDS is the clear winner for its current ability to launch sourcing deals and transform customer environments. IBM has strong capabilities and leads with strategy for future supremacy. Because of its balance between current implementation strength and well-articulated future strategy, CSC is the overall leader and is challenging for supremacy in both current offering and strategy (although rumors of acquisition continue to surround the respected firm). Despite companywide troubles with revenue and margin, Capgemini's current delivery ability helped it hang onto a leadership position. CGI Group is the smallest vendor that we evaluated, but it emerged as a Strong Performer largely because of its ability to satisfy customers. EMEA-based Atos Origin showed solid reference customer scores but still needs to mature its IT sourcing deal transformation management capability. This report includes an interactive vendor comparison tool that provides detailed service evaluations and customizable rankings.

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