Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Retail Banking Platforms, Q4 2006

Infosys, i-flex solutions, And SAP Lead In Retail Banking Platforms

November 28th, 2006
Jost Hoppermann, null
Jost Hoppermann
With contributors:
Matthew McCormack , Andrew Parker , Ashara Giordanelli


Forrester evaluated world-leading banking platform products across 83 criteria and found that Infosys, i-flex solutions, and SAP are members of the leader category. Infosys scores highly on multichannel enablement and corporate strategy; i-flex benefits from excellent functionality and multichannel solutions; while SAP offers platform agility and a clear product strategy. TEMENOS and Fiserv are strong performers: They both score well on multichannel enablement, while TEMENOS also benefits from its breadth of functionality. Although this evaluation identifies the outstanding providers in this field, all the products that Forrester evaluated offer value to end users. Each product has its individual strengths that will be of particular use to a given type of bank.

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