Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: SAP Implementation Providers, Q4 2007

Accenture And IBM Lead An Extremely Well-Qualified Pack

December 28th, 2007
Stephanie Moore, null
Stephanie Moore
With contributors:
Christine Ferrusi Ross , Francesca Bartolomey


Forrester evaluated the leading 16 SAP implementation providers across 108 criteria and found that Accenture and IBM have established leadership positions in this market thanks to the breadth, depth, maturity, and global nature of their SAP implementation practices. BearingPoint, Capgemini, CSC, Deloitte, Infosys, Satyam, and Wipro also make it into the Leaders category due to their fine SAP implementation capabilities. TCS comes in just on the cusp of the Leaders category as their practice continues to flourish and they increase their focus on implementation projects. Cognizant and HCL are smack in the middle of the Strong Performers category, both having newer, slightly smaller, but extremely credible implementation practices. Neoris and Softtek, two providers that both use Latin America as their primary low-cost delivery location, are newer to the SAP arena and smaller, yet also make it into the Strong Performer category due to their robust and growing SAP capabilities. Intelligroup, also a Strong Performer, though quite small, is the only real SAP specialist provider in this group. Finally, Fujitsu, the low scorer in the Strong Performer category, has excellent SAP skills that are primarily attributed to its recent acquisition of specialist SAP provider Rapidigm. To find the best SAP services partner, Forrester clients should customize the Forrester Wave™ tool to reflect their individual needs and preferences.

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