Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Service Desk Management Tools, Q1 2006

Different Needs Point To Different Category Leaders

February 17th, 2006
Chip Gliedman, null
Chip Gliedman
With contributors:
John Ragsdale , Ian Schuler , Elisse Gaynor


To assess the state of the service desk management tools market and see how the vendors stack up against each other, Forrester evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of top service desk management tool vendors across 80 criteria. The result: products from Axios Systems, BMC Software, CA, and Hewlett-Packard top a large group of able products aimed at larger enterprises, while other products from Altiris, BMC Software, FrontRange Solutions, and UniPress Software emerge as Leaders for smaller enterprises with less complex needs. Keep in mind that differences in architectures, geographic presence, integration strategies, and specific features can drastically changes the ranking and suitability of a specific product for a specific organization. Included in this report is an interactive vendor comparison tool that provides detailed product evaluations and customizable rankings.

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