Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Warehouse Management Systems, Q1 2008

HighJump And Manhattan Associates Lead Our WMS Evaluation

March 21st, 2008
Patrick Connaughton
With contributor:


Forrester evaluated leading warehouse management systems (WMS) vendors across approximately 50 criteria and found that HighJump and Manhattan Associates established early WMS leadership thanks to their strong core capabilities and strategic road map. A pack of Strong Performers are close at their heels with SAP, RedPrairie, Infor, and Sterling Commerce leading the way. Oracle has continued to make big strides, moving from a Contender ranking in 2006 to today's Strong Performer rating. CDC's acquisition of Catalyst has bolstered some key viability rankings. Aldata has a way to go to compete with the leaders in current functionality but does provide a viable option for retail customers.

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