Trends Tool

The Impact Of Emerging Technology In 2030 On mCommerce Experiences In Transportation

December 4th, 2019
Julie Ask, null
Julie Ask
Carlton A. Doty, null
Carlton A. Doty
With contributors:
Fiona Swerdlow , Brandon Purcell , Ian Jacobs , Joe Stanhope , Nicole Murgia , Daniel Hong , Fatemeh Khatibloo , Jeffrey Hammond , Kjell Carlsson, PhD , Michael Facemire


Consumers today regularly engage with transportation-as-a-service models like Uber and Lyft via their mobile devices. As new technologies emerge, the transportation industry will be disrupted once again by mobile devices. The accompanying PDF provides a closer look at the impact that emerging technologies will have on the transportation industry in the next decade. This report is part of a series on mCommerce in 2030 across multiple industries.

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