Trends Report

The Implications Of A New Dynamic Workforce On Sourcing And Vendor Management

Generation Y's Presence In The Workforce Is Changing Sourcing Strategy

March 16th, 2011
Lutz Peichert, null
Lutz Peichert
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Caroline Roeleveld-Hoekendijk , Mark Grannan


The rising importance of a digital native workforce is one of the key reasons that organizations seek to create a dynamic workplace — a workplace in which employees can work independent of time and location, with unbounded access to the tools and technologies they need to do their job. In 2011, more technology sourcing professionals will deal with the complexities of bringing "groundswell technologies" that enable dynamic workplace capabilities into their organizations. Sourcing professionals need to be smart about their resource allocation by focusing on the technologies that have the greatest impact on employee productivity. At the same time, however, they can do more to work with stakeholders outside of IT to bring structure and discipline to technology sourcing efforts.

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