Best Practice Report

The Life-Changing Magic Of Simplifying Your Mobile App

My App Is A Kitchen Sink: Now What?

April 23rd, 2020
Julie Ask, null
Julie Ask
With contributors:
Stephen Powers , David Truog , Erin Sellers , Alessia Stewart , Rachel Birrell


What should you do if your mobile app is like a pre-Marie-Kondo kitchen sink — cluttered, messy, and full of junk? Don’t just drain it! First, determine the real problem; then, build a plan to tackle it. Aim to reduce your users’ cognitive load with right-sized experiences, natural language interfaces, and anticipation of their needs. Streamline navigational menus, eliminate unnecessary steps, factor in context to simplify the interface, and bridge unwanted seams. Lighter-weight, cheaper options like instant apps and progressive web apps may be part of the answer. We give digital business and experience design professionals three answers to this frequently asked question.

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