Trends Report

The Mobile eBusiness Ecosystem

Stakeholder Map: The Mobile eBusiness Playbook

May 9th, 2012
Patti Freeman Evans, null
Patti Freeman Evans
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Douglas Roberge , Andrew Benson


This report outlines the stakeholder map of the mobile eBusiness playbook, which is designed to drive value through mobile services. This report should be used by eBusiness professionals to plan and coordinate activities across roles and functions, and to clarify task responsibilities in order to successfully establish a strong mobile eBusiness initiative. It includes an overview of mobile eBusiness, scenarios for different approaches to stakeholder mapping, a list of key stakeholder roles, details of key tasks, and a scenario-based responsibility assignment matrix. It also includes a downloadable spreadsheet-based grid that can be customized for your business. It will help ensure a streamlined and consistent approach to implementing a mobile eBusiness strategy, leveraging the most appropriate enterprise resources for each relevant task.

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