Trends Report

The New Year Of Social Marketing

2012 Investment In Social Media And Communities Remains Strong

March 15th, 2012
Kim Celestre, null
Kim Celestre
With contributors:
Peter Burris , Eric Hsieh , Zachary Reiss-Davis


Tech marketers may not be forthcoming about their organizations' New Year's resolutions, but Forrester's Q4 2011 B2B Marketing Organizations And Investments (MOI) Survey provides strong indicators about where they are planning to target their marketing efforts. Results from the survey provide insight on how tech marketers' colleagues and peers are investing in social marketing strategies and headcount, reflecting the beginning of a shift in focus from social "media" to social "marketing." Using the 2011 MOI Survey as a guideline, tech marketers can confidently begin developing their 2012 social marketing strategies, as long as they can prove that their investments are leading to strong returns.

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