Trends Report

The Renaissance Of EPSS As An Informal Learning Tool

Technology Users Can Learn On The Fly With This Electronic Content Solution

May 11th, 2011
Claire Schooley, null
Claire Schooley
With contributor:
Paul Hamerman


An electronic performance support system (EPSS) provides on-demand learning when technology users need help to do their jobs. Demonstrations, practice exercises, and onscreen help all give users assistance when they need it. EPSS is not new to the market, but today it's easier to use and hits the mark when companies roll out complicated technology like ERP systems or simpler technology like mobile apps. Vendors like Ancile Solutions, datango, and Oracle provide this kind of updated EPSS solution. EPSS also provides a more informal approach to learning at a time when users most need it. Business process professionals should invest in EPSS to optimize usage of critical systems and drive more effective process execution.

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