Trends Report

The Social Technographics Of European Online Travelers

March 20th, 2008
Henry Harteveldt, null
Henry Harteveldt
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Josh Bernoff


Ten percent of European online travelers engage with some form of Social Computing every day. Forrester's Social Technographics® identifies how Europe's online travelers fall within the six groups — for example, just 10% of online leisure travelers belong to the Creators group, which creates original content, but 19% belong to Critics, a group that contributes content within an existing structure. Based on how European online travelers' behavior varies by country, travel eBusiness professionals can prioritize their focus and investment. Sweden and the Netherlands have the most engaged group of online travelers, making them better places to start a European travel Social Computing effort. Travel companies considering deploying Social Computing to reach European travelers must be sure that their Web site navigation menus lead the user to the applications, ensure that the applications are available in the traveler's native tongue, and accept the fact that — for now at least — Social Computing is more about marketing than sales.

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