Trends Report

The State Of EA 2013: Information And Business Architecture Take Hold; New Hardships Arise

February 8th, 2013
Tim DeGennaro, null
Tim DeGennaro
With contributors:
Gordon Barnett , Alex Cullen , Gene Leganza , Mackenzie Cahill


Since 2009, Forrester's global state of enterprise architecture (EA) online survey has tracked the trends, priorities, and challenges of the EA practice. In our latest survey, the scale of EA value has officially tipped from one side to the other. What was once a practice struggling to gain recognition and involvement in projects has now almost uniformly become focused on an ascent toward a more strategic, business-focused role. As the EA practice evolves and expands, it will enjoy new successes, but it will face new challenges as well. What will happen to the "good ol' fashioned EA practice," its metrics, its structures, and its roles? In this report, Forrester outlines the major trends and both their visible and potential impact on the current state of the EA practice. This report is part of Forrester's solution for building high-performance EA practices.

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