Case Study

The State Of Health Plans' Mobile Product Strategies

How Health Plans Are Tackling Mobile — And How They Risk Missing The Mark

December 30th, 2010
Seth Fowler, null
Seth Fowler
Elizabeth Boehm, null
Elizabeth Boehm
With contributors:
J. P. Gownder , Laura Wiramihardja


Consumer product strategists at health plans are beginning to develop and launch mobile solutions in earnest. These product strategists commonly develop mobile products to help control costs, provide better customer care, and drive sales. But many plans seem more eager to push a mobile product out to market than to do the legwork to ensure that their solutions align with members' technology capabilities or health needs and goals. To ensure that second-generation mobile products deliver on their promises, health plan consumer product strategists must embrace the POST methodology — understanding and defining target people, objectives, strategies, and technologies.

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