Data Overview Report

The State Of SMB Networks And Telecommunications: 2009

Business Data Services North America And Europe

August 7th, 2009
Ellen Daley, null
Ellen Daley
With contributors:
Heidi Shey , Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D. , Edward Radcliffe , Chétina Muteba


This document gives highlights of an extensive data set collected across North American and European firms via our Enterprise And SMB Networks And Telecommunications Survey, North America And Europe, Q2 2009. Even given the current global economic crisis, small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) recognize the importance of networks and telecommunications (N&T) products and services — although spend is not as abundant as in earlier years. What are their investment and interest areas? Wireless and mobility and unified communications (UC). A new addition to this survey includes questions about how current economic conditions are affecting SMB N&T spending and where purchasing power lies within the organization for specific technologies.

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