Data Overview Report

The State Of Workforce Technology Adoption: Global Benchmark 2012

Strategic Planning Forrsights For CIOs

April 12th, 2012
Philipp Karcher, null
Philipp Karcher
With contributors:
Matthew Brown , Heather Martyn


CIOs are responsible for the technology tools and services that make employees productive and successful at work. Too often, the CIO organization must make decisions about devices, software licenses, portals, the help desk, mobility, collaboration, and communications based on hearsay or experience rather than on facts or detailed analyses. To help CIOs move beyond a "shot in the dark" approach to technology provisioning, Forrester has drawn on its global survey of 9,912 information workers. Armed with this data from 17 countries, IT leaders can benchmark their own workforce technology levels; tailor devices, software, and services to the specific needs of different employee groups; right-size computer and license purchases; and make fact-based decisions about which technology to invest in and why.

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