Decision Tool

The Supply Chain Of Data Centre Capacity (And Why Scale-Up Still Matters)

June 26th, 2009


Hydrasight notes that investment in, and payment for, IT infrastructure resources continues to be a contentious issue. While data center consolidation has been the driving ideal for much of the last decade, the need to reduce cost and risk, while improving performance and flexibility, is creating a more complex supply chain of data center resources. Moreover, organizations have readily embraced "scale-out," but "scale-up" strategies must not be ignored. Hydrasight observes that organizational politics and short-sightedness, along with perceived technological simplicity and/or ease of adoption of commodity-driven IT, have become major barriers to optimizing data center efficiency. In fact, organizations must begin to think beyond the data center toward location-independent IT infrastructure in order to achieve greater levels of performance, flexibility, and efficiency.

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