Trends Report

The Tablet-TV Connection

April 11th, 2012
Sarah Rotman Epps, null
Sarah Rotman Epps
With contributors:
Annie E. Corbett , Carlton A. Doty , Andia Vokshi , Elizabeth Shaw


Tablets and TVs are big business: Forrester forecasts that 112.5 million US consumers will own a tablet by 2016, and tablets are disrupting several multibillion-dollar industries related to TV, including cable, broadcasting, advertising, and consumer electronics manufacturing and retailing. Product strategists should read this report to understand consumer behavior related to tablets and TVs as well as to understand what new product experience opportunities exist for the tablet-TV connection. In addition, this report addresses emerging innovation in "social TV" and tablet-TV commerce by startups such as GetGlue, Miso, and Viggle and gives insights into what their relationships to platform players such as, Apple, Facebook, and Google will be in the future.

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