Trends Report

The Tech CEO's 2009 Innovation Agenda

CEOs: Execute A Five-Point Innovation Program To Win In 2009 And Beyond

December 1st, 2008
Navi Radjou
With contributors:
Thomas Mendel, Ph.D. , Edward Radcliffe


As they elaborate their 2009 strategic plans, tech CEOs might be tempted to prioritize "restructuring efforts," such as across-the-board cost-cutting, in order to survive the deepening global economic recession. While these tactical moves are necessary to keep their tech firms afloat, these moves won't position the firm for long-term success. Rather, visionary tech CEOs should marshal companywide resources to implement a five-point innovation agenda, outlined in this document, in order to win in the emerging post-American, customer-driven tech world order. By proactively innovating their firms' business model and organizational structure, tech CEOs could position their company for an undisputable leadership position in the post-recession tech era.

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